To upgrade the entire system, try
apt-get upgrade
The tool to work with a single downloaded package file (a .deb, like an
rpm) is dpkg
To use RPM's (not recommended, since they usually don't conform to
debian's standards regarding /etc, init scripts, etc.), try
To search for a package, try
There's also a menu based front-end towards dpkg called dselect, but
apt-get will do it all and more. There are GUI frontends to apt (like
Mandrake's package manager), do an apt-cache search for apt to find
The user needs to have a .projectorrc file in $HOME, you can copy (or
symlink to) the one in /s/gordo/projector/.projectorrc
Be advised that if you run it via:
Then run the java program vncwall (needs Java SDK 1.3.1, which we
There are two premade conf files in /local/wall, named vncwall-1.conf,
and vncwall-2.conf. They contain the config for a server on either :1,
or :2. You can load them, enter the proper password (not writing that on
a web page ;) ), and tileviewer should start automatically. If it
doesn't, just go to the wall tab, and click on the screens that
To shut down the viewer, try (from the commandline)
insmod rd rd_size=375000
If it's already mounted, just clear it. The next thing is to change to
/local/wall/share/mpegs, and do an
ln -s -f <directory> ramdisk
Then, run wgl npb -W -A ramdisk/<formatstring> <startframe> <endframe> to cache the files.
Playback is
wgl npb -D -A -l ramdisk/<formatstring>
<startframe> <endframe> -r <framerate>
The formatstring is a C-style descriptor to be able to reference the
sequence. E.g., if the files are file0001.jpg, file0002.jpg, etc., you'd
use file%04d.jpg .
dpkg -i
rpm -Uvh
dpkg -i
apt-cache search File Locations
Debian usually puts config files in /etc/packagename/filename
Init scripts are /etc/init.d/, which symlinks from /etc/rcX.d
There is a nifty scripts called update-rc.d which will create/delete
startup links in rcX.d, try it with a --help
The default runlevel is 2 (but still graphical, if KDM/XDM/GDM is
Anything in /usr/ is liable to overwritten by a package, ideally, local
compiled stuff should go in /usr/local OR (better) /local.
Kernel headers are in /usr/src/linux (where they belong).
Wall Software
Anything used by both the clients and the servers is in
/s/gordo/paredsoft. Packages are installed to
/s/gordo/paredsoft/local/packagename, with the libs symlinked to
/s/gordo/paredsoft/lib, and the binaries to /s/gordo/paredsoft/bin. The
user wall already has that in $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.Proxima Control Software
Look in /s/gordo/projector/projector.tcl
ssh gordo /s/gordo/projector/projector.tcl (which is what the button
does), then the .projectorrc file needs to be in $HOME on gordo.
If you're a cluster user, that's fine, gordo automounts /u, but if it's
the users wall, make sure to edit that file, not the one in
$HOME/.projectorrc on rey.
Clients (viewers)
Make sure vncd is running (starts automatically on boot). That way,
tileviewer will be started automatically with a call from vncwall.
Start a vncserver.
vncserver -geometry 4096x2304
(To kill it, try vncserver -kill <display>)
vncwall -k <conf file> OR
killtile <machine name>WireGL
Servers (pareds)
Make sure pipeserver is running (with the -f for fullscreen, and -p 7100
to listen on port 7100). The startpipeserver script is execute when XDM
starts up, so that should be ok. If there are two copies running, that
oculd be bad... try a killall startpipeserver, killall pipeserver,
/etc/init.d/xdm stop; /etc/init.d/xdm start to refresh everything.Client (rey)
wgl <program>
The config files are stored in /s/gordo/paredsoft/local/wiregl-1.2.1
(like all wall stuff)Chromium
Servers (pareds)
crserver should NOT be running on the machines. The mothership (aka
config machine), rey, will start crserver automatically (using ssh
'DISPLAY=:0 crserver' pared1, etc).
Client (rey)
Change to the /mnt/gordo-m/paredsoft/local/cr/mothership/configs
directory (aka /s/gordo/paredsoft/...).
Run python wall.conf Movie Player
I have a version of NCSA's pixel blaster installed. This works by
simulating a movie using an opengl image viewer. Put the movie source--
aka, a jpg sequence in /local/wall/share/mpegs/<directory name>. The
pipeservers are set to put textures in /usr/local/frames/<directory
name>/, but, to improve performance, we usually have that as a ramdisk.
To mount the ramdisk (should be automatic, btw), do the following on
each machine as root (use gsh):
mke2fs /dev/ram0
mount -t ext2 /dev/ram0 /usr/local/frames/ramdiskGeometry Viewer
vtkViewer can be used on the wall to display precomputed geometry,
including VTK files, VRML (not .wrl), 3D Studio and more. There are some
sample files in /local/wall/share/3dstudio to try. It allows to you to
open multiple files on top of one another... be sure to go to
File->Close before doing a new open.
Image Viewer
We use a customized version of gliv. Run wgl gliv <image> to see
it on the wall. You may need to use the 'm' key to make sure it fits
nicely. One major caveat: wiregl just stretches the window, so when
going from rey's 4x3 display to the walls 16x9 ratio, images get
stretched. There are two solutions: 1-- resize the image viewer to a
square (that way it stretches correctly), or edit the wiregl config file
to only display a 4x3 image. Or buy a widescreen monitor for rey ;-)
Check out /local/mp3/ for some quality music.